Expert agency value proposition development workshops with compelling marketing planning


Value proposition workshops

Identifying what sets you apart from competitors is the
single most important thing you can do to drive growth.
We’ll co-create it with you in just two days.


Command attention

A tight and clearly-articulated proposition signals to your ideal clients that you are exactly the right fit for them. It also focuses your team on perfecting what attracts the best clients.


Increase profitability

According to the 2Y3X Scale-up Survey of over 500 companies you are twice as likely to be highly profitable if your whole company can clearly articulate your value proposition.


Attract A-players

A crystal clear value proposition gives you a head start in recruiting superstars who specialise in what you do – leading to greater effectiveness and even better pitch opportunities.

Create competitive advantage

Stand out a mile

Value proposition development consultancy
Brilliant design agency propositions
Trusted agency proposition consultants
Great creative agency propositions
Strategic brand positioning for agencies and consultancies
Hub TV, TV, social media, live and hybrid events and film production agency
Digital transformation positioning statement
Conversation worth millions, podcast and AI strategy agency
Award winning agency

Add scaling power

Make your agency the prize


Two consecutive days (6 hours each day) for you and your core team with expert remote facilitation

One single day for 2Y3X programmeprogram members as some of the same content is covered


£8,400$16,667 for non-programmeprogram members

Members £4,200$8,400


Our compelling propositions lead to self-identifying, self-qualifying inbound clients

Your revitalised agency positioning can be used for marketing straight away, and your team will get practical advice to kickstart inbound lead generation

What you need to know

Frequently asked questions

Who is it for?

The 2Y3X proposition workshop is for you if you have struggled for years to come up with a succinct, differentiating way of describing what you do.

If your proposition can’t be articulated easily by everyone in the company, this means you. Or if your clients wouldn’t immediately recognise you from your proposition. Or even worse, if it’s interchangeable with any of your competitors – which means they are winning clients that should be yours.

What are the benefits of strong positioning?

A great value proposition based on clear agency positioning does three things:

  1. Focuses strategy
    Every decision you make, and each new product or service line, should be grounded in whether it delivers your value proposition. This stops you from getting distracted and accepting business for the sake of business. For example, if what you’re good at (and what makes you money) is servicing big e-commerce, it would be a diversion to accept a contract from smaller firms (which may take up a similar amount of resource).
  2. Attracts the right employees
    Even before the job interview a strong proposition filters applicants by attracting those that share your vision. Nike’s Just Do It, for example, signals to potential recruits that they will be working in a fast-paced environment with the freedom to take risks. As a result, it attracts exactly the type of confident and courageous individuals that will take its vision forward.
  3. Attracts the right clients
    A tight proposition enables potential customers to recognize their needs in your offer. It’s a neon sign saying that you’re the best company to solve their problem. Take Impero’s “We make tired brands famous again”, which we developed. You can almost hear it hitting its target clients with bullseye precision. By identifying a specific client type, Impero positions itself above other agencies who have a broader and therefore more generic offer.

How long does it take?

This expertly facilitated online workshop takes place over two consecutive six-hour days. The first day digs into your team’s values, ideal clients, decision-making contexts, your services (now and in the future) and competitive differentiation.

The second day solidifies the value proposition generation and moves into how you take your new proposition to market and how to start getting self-qualifiying clients to come to you.

Who should be in the workshop?

We recommend including the founders, members of the leadership team who have an externally facing role, your marketing team plus the most future-focused, committed A-players you have in your business.

Ideally there should be a maximum of 9-10 people in the workshop.

Does it work?

Our clients say:

“In a single day, we made more progress on our proposition than we had in two years. We now have a clear and articulate way to express the complexity of our business with pride.” – Jim Meadows, founder, Commit

“We loved working with you to define our value proposition statement. It was a massively valuable exercise.” – Drew Wilkins, founder, Fish in a Bottle

“As intense as it was inclusive. It can feel like you may never get to the right answer. But within 2 days we did. We’re rolling it out now softly and it is being embraced across the agency. I think because it speaks to what is at the heart of Beyond and people recognise themselves in it. This is the orchestration 2Y3X provides – they take you deeper into the values of the organisation and into what drives people to find a proposition with purpose that also rightly identifies you in the market.” – Jess Tyrell, managing director, Beyond

Discover 2Y3X

Our programmeprograms and workshops

The 2Y3X programmeprogram

Strategy map workshop

Proposition development

Growth acceleration programme for digital marketing agencies
Expert strategy map and roadmap development workshops for digital agencies
Expert value proposition development workshop for marketing agencies

2Y3X scales independent agencies fast – with guaranteed results. Does your agency meet the criteria?

Create a robust three-year plan with expert guidance and guaranteed team buy-in, in a single intensive day

We will help you define a tight and clearly articulated value proposition that will attract your ideal clients